Wednesday 23 November 2011

The snail

Insects-a gift of nature.

Makum Nights.

Makum, its a small town in the eastern most parts of Tinsukia district, Assam. It has nothing special in its character irrespective of the humble lifestyle of the people. The word Makum is derived from the Tai language which means a place where two thins meet and here as the definition says it is the meeting place of NH 37 and NH 38leading to Dholla and Digboi respectively. Besides its my hometown.

Guijaan and Dibru Saikhowa national park. Paradise Unexplored.

Dibru-Saikhowa National Park at a distance of nearly 7kms from Tinsukia town  really unexplored sights to be seen by the spectators all around the globe. The park is going to reopen soon for the winters i.e. the arrival of the migratory birds.